Hot Water Boilers Applying Makeup Hygiene Kneading (Lash) Grinding (Toĥen) Separating (Borer) Shabbat Urns Warming Trays Cooking (Bishul) Melakhot Dealing with Food Preparation Defining a Prohibition as Biblical or Rabbinic The Principles Underlying Biblical and Rabbinic Prohibitions The 39 Melakhot Melakha and the Tabernacle
- Shabbat and Festivals - Shabbat and Festivals -


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The Sages forbade bathing the body in hot water on Shabbat. This is true even if the water was heated up in a permissible way (either before Shabbat or by a solar boiler). However, less than half of the body may be washed in water heated in a permissible fashion. Additionally, the entire body may be washed in lukewarm water. People who suffer great discomfort because they cannot wash their entire body (i.e., they feel particularly dirty or sweaty) may wash their whole body with hot water heated in a permissible way.

One may not swim on Shabbat (whether in a pool or a beach), because this is a weekday activity and not in the spirit of Shabbat.

Laundering (Kibus) Laundering (Kibus) Sewing (Tofer), Tying (Kosheir), Untying (Matir), and Tearing (Kore’a) Lighting a Fire (Mavir) Electricity Electric Appliances Building (Boneh) and Cutting (Meĥatekh) Writing (Kotev), Erasing (Moĥek), and Dyeing (Tzove’a) Agricultural Melakhot Animals Carrying (Hotza’a) Boundaries (Teĥum)During the week, most of us travel, moving from place to place, for work or other purposes. This stems from a basic human deficiency: when we remain stationary, we cannot make a living or meet our needs. To do so, we are forced to travel