- Shabbat and Festivals - Shabbat and Festivals -


This content will be available soon

The Holiday’s Names and Its Mitzvot

The Happiness of the Holiday of Ingathering

The Sukka – A Temporary Dwelling

The Sukka's Messages

Remembering the Clouds of Glory and Divine Providence

The Enveloping Light of the Sukka

Jews and Non-Jews

The Custom of Ushpizin

Kosher Sekhakh

Additional Sukka Laws

Living in the Sukka

Eating in the Sukka

The Exemption for Discomfort

Sleeping in the Sukka

The Four Species and Jewish Unity

Basic Requirements for the Four Species

Taking the Lulav

Shaking the Lulav

Hoshana Rabba

Shemini Atzeret

Simĥat Torah