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משקפת מכוונת אל האופק כהמחשה של חזון עם ישראל לעולם
- The Jewish Vision - The Jewish Vision -

The Jewish Vision

The Israeli nation’s vision for the perfection of the world and the blessing to all nations, the history of the People of Israel from the Creation of the world to the Giving of the Torah.

שני אנשים עולים במעלה ההר האחד מושיט את ידו בכדי לעזור לחברו לעלות מעלה
- Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot -

Interpersonal Mitzvot

Moral social conduct, the value of life, values ​​in the economic system, the commandments of charity and kindness, the attitude towards laws and the legal system.

שמירה על המשפחה היהודית - שלוש זוגות כפות ידיים פרוסות נושאות ומגוננות על המשפחה שבתמונה מסומלת על ידי מגזרת נייר ובה אוחזים ידיים אב ואם בנם ובתם.
- Family - Family - Family - Family - Family -


Family values, joy in marriage and loyalty between spouses, honoring parents, the circle of life.

דגל מדינת ישראל על רקע ים המלח ושרידים הסטורים המראים את תקומת עם ישראל בארץ ישראל ואת האמונה הבלתי פוסקת של ישראל באלוהים
- Fundamentals of Faith - Fundamentals of Faith -

Fundamentals of Faith

Meaning of faith and its appearance in the world through the Torah, the Nation of Israel and the Land of Israel. The commandments of the Temple.

אדם מתפלל וזועק לאלוהים בבקשה לעזרה. השמש מלפניו והוא נראה כצללית בראש הר מאחור כאשר מולו נישאים הרים מושלגים עצומים.
- Between Man and God - Between Man and God -

Between Man and God

Prayers and the order of the day, blessings on food and life’s goodness, the laws of kashrut in plants and animals, moral conduct towards man, animals, and the entire world.

שבת ומועדים, בתמונה נרות שבת דולקים כוס יין עבור הקידוש ושתי חלות קלועות עם שומשום מעליהן וכלי עם מעט מלח עבור ברכת המוציא.
- Shabbat and Festivals - Shabbat and Festivals -

Shabbat and Festivals

Shabbat and Jewish holidays, along with days of thanksgiving and national commemoration, shape the Jewish story, with the aspiration and prayer for the perfection of the world in the Kingdom of God.

Interesting to know

- Fundamentals of Faith - Fundamentals of Faith -

Drafting Yeshiva Students

The mitzva to study Torah does not override the mitzva to serve in the army, so it is a mitzva for yeshiva students to enlist. Indeed, there is a tradition of this happening in the times of Joshua and King David.

However, there may be a few particularly talented individuals who have the potential to truly serve the nation through their exceptional Torah study. Such individuals should defer their service, as long as the army does not need to dra...

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- Fundamentals of Faith - Fundamentals of Faith -

What's new?

The Ethics of War

The Ethics of War

The Torah commands the army to act as morally as possible, even during wartime. Therefore, before going to war...

The Vision of the Jewish Nation

The Vision of the Jewish Nation

The appearance of the Jewish people began with God’s commandment to our forefather Abraham to go up to the Lan...

Shabbat Rest – The Completion of Creation

Shabbat Rest – The Completion of Creation

God created heaven and earth and all within them in six days. On the sixth day, He also created the first huma...

The Israeli Army

The Israeli Army

People who serve in the Israel Defense Forces are fulfilling two tremendous mitzvot, each of which is the equi...

Redeeming Captives

Redeeming Captives

In the ancient world, slaves were a significant percentage of the population. Jews too were sometimes sold as ...

Fighting for the Land

Fighting for the Land

The Israelites were commanded to conquer the Land in order to settle it. This is even though people are usuall...

What's new?

The Festival of Matzot and the Festival of Pesaĥ

The Festival of Matzot and the Festival of Pesaĥ

The Torah has two names for the holiday of Passover, to indicate its dual significance: Ĥag Ha-matzot (the Fes...

The Interpersonal is the Gateway to God

The Interpersonal is the Gateway to God

Despite the importance of the principle of human worth and responsibility, it is generally accepted that the p...

Wiping Out Amalek

Wiping Out Amalek

The biblical requirement to remember the abominable actions of the Amalekite nation is fulfilled by reading Pa...

The Value of Torah Study

The Value of Torah Study

The mitzva of studying Torah is equivalent to all the other mitzvot altogether, and so is its reward. There ar...

The Value of Marriage

The Value of Marriage

Marriage is an extremely important mitzva. It allows a person to put many values into practice: love and sanct...

The Nation and Its Land

The Nation and Its Land

All the divine revelations experienced by our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob included the promise that ...

What's going on?

Through the study on the 'Jewish Tradition' site, the deep meaning of Jewish law becomes clear, as a reflection of Godly ideals and values designed to provide value to life, and elevate it to the
exalted vision of ‘Tikkun Olam’.
The history of the People of Israel, with its great periods, and its difficult crises, receives its full significance, and becomes the story of the revelation of faith and the vision of improving the world, a story that we celebrate on Sabbaths and holidays, in prayers, and on days of commemoration and fasts. A story by which the People of Israel have returned to their land after a long exile, and by virtue of which, all the prophecies of redemption will be fulfilled.

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