Questions and Answers

The content on the site was written by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed in his book "The Jewish Tradition" published by the Har Bracha Institute.

Making Jewish content accessible in an experiential and enriching way for a variety of audiences.

We recommend starting from the beginning and learning in order.

Excellent! You’re doing great! To broaden your learning, we invite you
to enter the ‘Peninei Halakha’ website/app, where you can find a
broadening of the topics presented on the ‘Jewish Tradition’ website.

Of course! Many mitzvahs also have a practical explanation.

Unfortunately, the book has not yet been published. But don't worry, we'll let you know as soon as it's released.To purchase click here

At the moment, materials on the site are not specifically intended for children, but the site is adaptable, and can certainly be suitable for children and teenagers as well.

We will update the site from time-to-time, and continue uploading content about Judaism according to events.
It's worth your while to enter the site, and learn continuously more