A Childless Couple Birth Control The Parameters of the Mitzva Procreation Difficulties Fulfilling the Mitzva How to Fulfill This Important Mitzva Beyond the Set Times The Mitzva of Ona
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Consolation for the Childless

0.5 min read

Consolation for the Childless

A couple that has not been blessed with children face a great challenge. Will they wallow in their pain, and lose their faith and joie de vivre? Or will they overcome their sorrow, increase their love for each other, fulfill the mitzva of ona with extra joy, and constantly think about how to bring goodness and joy into the lives of their families and friends? Though the couple have not been blessed with children, their intimacy still has great intrinsic value. This is reflected in the kabbalistic idea that each time a devoted couple unite sexually with love and passion, an abundance of life and blessing is added to this world. New souls are created in the supernal realms, which then descend to this world and are born to other people. There is a special purity in a childless couple’s love, which is unconditional and independent of shared children. Their loving unity gives expression to divine unity.