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The Holiday’s Names and Its Mitzvot

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The Holiday’s Names and Its Mitzvot

There are three names for the holiday which begins on the 15th of Tishrei:

  1. Sukkot, because the primary mitzva associated with it is living in the sukka.
  2. The Holiday of Ingathering (Ĥag He-asif), because it takes place during the time of year when the harvested grain and fruit has all been gathered in.
  3. The Holiday (He-ĥag), because it is the quintessential joyous festival.

There are three main mitzvot on Sukkot:

  1. The mitzva to refrain from activity connected with working (29:12 above) on the Yom Tov days at the beginning and end of the holiday, and the mitzva to refrain from some melakha (29:19 above) on the Ĥol Ha-mo’ed days in the middle.
  2. The mitzva of the Sukka.
  3. The mitzva of the four species.
The Happiness of the Holiday of Ingathering The Happiness of the Holiday of Ingathering The Sukka – A Temporary Dwelling The Sukka's Messages Remembering the Clouds of Glory and Divine Providence The Enveloping Light of the Sukka Jews and Non-Jews The Custom of Ushpizin Kosher Sekhakh Additional Sukka Laws Living in the Sukka Eating in the Sukka The Exemption for Discomfort Sleeping in the Sukka The Four Species and Jewish Unity Basic Requirements for the Four Species Taking the Lulav Shaking the Lulav Hoshana Rabba Shemini Atzeret Simĥat Torah