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Sleeping in the Sukka

1 min read

Sleeping in the Sukka

It is a mitzva to sleep in the sukka, whether at night or for a nap. However, those who find sleeping in the sukka very uncomfortable are exempt. This includes those who are sensitive to the cold at night, as well as those who cannot sleep well if they are not in their own bed.

Some people tend to doze off unintentionally during road trips or classes. This type of involuntary dozing off is not considered regular sleep and is permitted outside the sukka.

Ideally, a married man must build the sukka in such a way that he and his wife can both sleep there. However, if his wife has difficulty sleeping in the sukka, or if they do not have enough room to build a large enough sukka, some consider this discomfort and thus allow the husband to sleep inside. Others maintain he is exempt only if sleeping in the sukka without his wife would cause true suffering. Still others say that even in such a case, he is still obligated to sleep in the sukka.

A married couple may have marital relations in the sukka, privacy permitting.

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