Adopted Children Divorced Parents Immoral Parents The Scope of the Requirement Giving Parents the Benefit of the Doubt The Limits of Honor Living Near Parents Revering Parents 4. Helping Parents Children's Two Obligations to Parents A Link in an Eternal Chain
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People who convert to Judaism must continue to honor their biological parents. Even though converts are considered to be newly born (and thus no longer related to their parents), they have a moral obligation to honor their parents, who gave birth to them and raised them. Therefore, converts must help their parents when they need help, pray for them when they get sick, and say Kaddish for them when they die.

Sometimes, converts may run into a problem. On the one hand, they want to treat their parents properly. On the other hand, if the parents do not respect the children’s new faith and life path, the converts may be afraid their own children will be attracted by their grandparents' religion. They must find a balance, continuing to honor their parents while keeping a certain distance to make sure the parents will not have a negative influence on their grandchildren.

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