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Being Sensitive

1 min read

Being Sensitive

There is a mitzva to be sensitive to others and not cause them pain. For example, we should not push people out of the way, cut in line, or open a window on a cold day if it will make someone else uncomfortable. As Hillel said, “What you hate, do not do to your fellow.” This does not mean someone who personally is not bothered by noise may make noise near other people. Rather, just as there are some things which really disturb us, we should recognize there are some things other people find annoying. Therefore, we should be cautious about noise near others.

Different norms and varying circumstances will affect the required levels of sensitivity. For example, if someone needs to concentrate on work or studies, those around must be especially careful to avoid making even minimal noise. If we are in our yard, we should not yell so loudly that the neighbors have no choice but to hear. Late at night, in residential areas where people are sleeping, we must make sure to keep our voices down and not slam car doors. A person should not litter, and certainly should not leave glass shards or other dangerous items in busy areas, where passersby could get hurt.

Derekh Eretz Derekh Eretz Speaking Coarsely Hospitality (Hachnasat Orchim) Being a Good Neighbor Being Part of a Good Community