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Fighting for the Land

0.5 min read

Fighting for the Land

The Israelites were commanded to conquer the Land in order to settle it. This is even though people are usually exempt from performing a mitzva which would endanger themselves. Fighting for the Land is an exception to the rule because there is no war without danger and without casualties. Indeed, the Jews fought to conquer the Land in the time of Joshua. Later, in the time of Ezra, they were willing to sacrifice to settle the Land despite suffering enemy harassment. Later still, the Hasmoneans fought to the best of their ability to gain sovereignty.

If a nation is not prepared to make sacrifices to defend its land – such as endangering its youth by sending them to fight – sooner or later it will be wiped out and many of its young people will be killed in any case. In this light, the mitzva to fight and sacrifice for the Land is consistent with the supreme value of saving lives.

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