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Torah Study on Shabbat

1 min read

Torah Study on Shabbat

Our Sages state: “Shabbat and Yom Tov were given to us solely for the purpose of studying Torah” (Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbat 15:3). To enable the body and soul to complement one another, our Sages teach us that people should divide their Shabbat time in two. Half of the time should be spent studying Torah, and half of the time should be spent on enjoying Shabbat with food, drink, and sleep. Torah study on Shabbat is particularly powerful because people are well-fed and well-rested, and thus tranquil and at peace. So, Shabbat is a preview of the World to Come (15:16 above), following the resurrection of the dead, when body and soul will perfectly complete each other. Shabbat’s balance of body and soul elevates our world and brings it closer to the level of the World to Come, bathing us in light and blessing.

People should focus on studying books on Shabbat which are instructive and uplift their lives. This study should also be pleasurable and satisfying. The topics chosen should not be too difficult. At the same time, they should expand one's horizons, and be thought-provoking and challenging. In this way, Shabbat can illuminate the rest of the week and infuse it with blessing.

It was once customary for the local rabbi to give a class on Shabbat in which he would address topics of Jewish law, faith, and ethics. Community members would do their best to attend and would make sure not to schedule a meal during that time. While this custom has waned, it is worthy to be reestablished. Everyone, male and female, should try to participate in at least one Torah class every Shabbat. There is a special mitzva on Shabbat for parents to study Torah with their children.

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