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Shabbat Preparations

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Shabbat Preparations

There is a mitzva to prepare splendid food for Shabbat that makes people happy, as this honors Shabbat and makes it enjoyable. The more good food honoring Shabbat one prepares the more praiseworthy. The general rule is that Shabbat food should be considerably better than the food eaten during the rest of the week. That will, of course, vary from family to family.

There is a mitzva to shower and cut one’s nails before Shabbat, and when necessary to get a haircut and shave. Clean, festive clothing should be worn. The house should be cleaned, and the table set before Shabbat.

Before Shabbat begins, it is a good idea to check that the necessary lights have been left on, the Shabbat clock (timer) is set, and the food has been placed on the warming tray. Every effort should be made to avoid arguments and anger while getting ready for Shabbat, as part of honoring Shabbat is being at peace with one’s family members.

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