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Were idols effective?

1 min read

Were idols effective?

Were idols effective? How could people believe in idols made of wood and stone? They believed because it met their need to feel faith. Although this belief was false, idol worshipers lacked other options which would give expression to the faith so embedded in human life. When people expressed their belief in the idols, it gave them the confidence to accept that what they wanted was surely good and legitimate. Their aspirations and actions were justified since they were not acting only on their own behalf, but on behalf of powerful higher forces.

Furthermore, others explain that it is similar to the forces of nature that people can harness for their own needs. Just as there are spiritual forces referred to as angels and demons which control nature, humans could use magical means, to manipulate these forces of nature. In truth, all spiritual forces which activate nature are created by God and draw their energy from Him. However, idolators could connect to them and exploit them as detached from their divine source turning them into impure forces. This exploitation empowered people for a limited time but ultimately led to their destruction.

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