Fundamentals of Faith - Fundamentals of Faith -

Love and Reverence of God

< 1 min read

It is a mitzva to love God and to revere Him, as it says, “You shall love the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 6:5) and “You shall revere the Lord your God” (ibid. 10:20). To attain love and reverence of the Creator, we can observe creation and reflect on all its brilliance, power, majesty and beauty, from the vastness of space and its galaxies, to any tiny cell and its subatomic particles, including all that grows especially humans.  We can look at the full range of human abilities and accomplishments – science and scholarship, literature and art, and above all, people’s moral aspirations and ideals. Acknowledging all these can be the gateway to loving the Creator and feeling exalted before Him.