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Causing Animals Pain

1 min read

Causing Animals Pain

On the one hand, there is a mitzva to treat animals with kindness and decency, and it is forbidden to cause them pain. On the other hand, our Sages tell us that animals were created to serve humans. People are permitted to put animals to work, as has been done throughout history – loading up donkeys and mules, plowing with oxen and donkeys, and riding on horses, camels, and donkeys.

When there is a clash between the two values – fulfilling the need of a person and avoiding the suffering of an animal – one must weigh the factors in each case. For example, people feel a need to eat meat, while kosher slaughter causes animals only minimal pain (24:10 above). Therefore, it is permissible to slaughter animals in order to eat meat. However, the question is more complicated if the human need is less critical, or if it causes the animal great pain. Three major factors must be taken into consideration before a halakhic decision is reached:

  1. How much animal suffering is involved. It is difficult to justify an action that will cause an animal great suffering. Only rarely can we be lenient – if the human need is extremely critical.
  2. How well-developed the animal’s nervous system and brains are. The more sensitive to pain the animal is, the greater justification is needed to cause it pain. For example, dogs have highly developed systems, so their pain is a serious concern. In contrast, insects are not very sensitive to pain, so if they are causing harm, they may be exterminated.
  3. How useful the animal is. The more people benefit from it, the more we should treat it with kindness and decency.
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