The Mitzva to Pay Taxes Frugality and Financial Independence Being a Faithful Employee Putting a Stumbling Block in Front of the Blind Honesty in Business and Paying Taxes Withholding and Delaying Wages When “Stealing” is Permissible Theft, Robbery, and Damage Applications for the Future Equality and the Right of Ownership The Jubilee Dividing the Land Equally
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Preventing Tax Evasion and Money Laundering

0.5 min read

Preventing Tax Evasion and Money Laundering

Within the framework of modern life, global commerce, and e-commerce, huge black markets have developed for drugs, weapons, gambling, prostitution, counterfeit goods, and human trafficking. To deal with tax evasion and society-corrupting organized crime, many laws have been passed that require carefully reporting money transfers to and from authorized bank accounts. This is to prevent criminals from spending money on illegal activities and bribing government officials. Therefore, each citizen has an absolute obligation to follow all the rules to prevent tax evasion and money laundering. These include reporting international money transfers and not making cash payments in amounts exceeding the legal limits.

The Justice in Charity The Justice in Charity