Eating Maror and Korekh Eating Matza Maggid Breaking the Middle Matza and Hiding the Afikoman Karpas and Handwashing Reclining The Four Cups Seder Preparations Themes of Maggid The Four Children Starting the Seder with Questions
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The Meal

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The Meal

After korekh we proceed with the meal. The food should be of high quality and served on decorative dishes. It is permissible to drink wine during the meal. (This drinking is not part of the obligatory four cups.) However, eating and drinking should be in moderation, both so everyone will have an appetite for the afikoman at the end of the meal, and the energy to continue reciting Hallel and the other songs at the end of the Seder.

Many people do not eat roasted meat or chicken at the Seder, to highlight the absence of the roasted Paschal offering. Others do, including Yemenites and some Sephardim.

Eating the Afikoman Eating the Afikoman The Seder’s Conclusion