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Avoiding Danger

0.5 min read

Avoiding Danger

Just as there is a mitzva to put up guardrails, there is a mitzva to remove anything likely to endanger human life, as it says, “But take utmost care and guard your life scrupulously” (Deuteronomy 4:9). Therefore, it is forbidden to leave a broken ladder in one’s home, in case someone climbs up and falls off. Similarly, one may not leave a broken electrical appliance lying around which might electrocute someone, or leave something poisonous within reach of children. It is also forbidden to participate in a dangerous hike, or to own a dangerous dog likely to scare or hurt the neighbors. (It is allowed only if the dog is tied up in a way that people will not be afraid.)

Traffic Safety Traffic Safety Taking Care of One’s Health Visiting the Sick (Bikur Holim) The Terminally Ill