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- Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot -


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The status of an unborn fetus is unclear. On the one hand, it is on the way to becoming a person; on the other, it is not yet there. Therefore, if a pregnancy puts the mother’s life at risk, the fetus may be aborted to save her life. If the fetus suffers from a serious defect that would make its life one of continuous suffering, there is disagreement about whether abortion is permitted. Some authorities do not permit aborting even in this case. Others say the fetus may be aborted to prevent suffering. I am among them. Since the topic of abortion is very complex, it is advisable to consult with a rabbi when a question arises. It is permitted for a couple to choose to consult with someone they know will be lenient. If a fetus does not suffer from a serious defect that will lead to continuous suffering, all agree that an abortion is forbidden.

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