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Our Complex Relationship to Conversion Candidates

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Our Complex Relationship to Conversion Candidates

In practice though, our relationship to potential converts is complicated. On the one hand, converts are beloved and desired if they truly wish to convert to join the Jewish people and be a partner in our grand mission to perfect the world under the sovereignty of God. On the other hand, if their motives are not pure, our Sages tell us that those who convert them will be punished, because they will not be interested in truly integrating into Judaism and this will cause difficulties. Therefore, rabbis who perform conversions are faced with a challenging dilemma. If they accept an insincere convert, they sin, and if they discourage a sincere convert, they also sin. The Sages tell us our forefathers refused to accept Timna as a convert. As a result, she joined Esau’s tribe and gave birth to Amalek, archenemy of the Jews.

There are also cases when converts have mixed motives. Because their motivation is not totally pure, their conversion causes trouble in the short term. However, since there is also an element of sincerity in the wish to convert, they ultimately succeed in integrating and becoming a blessing for the Jewish people.

A Convert’s Sincerity A Convert’s Sincerity The Conversion Process The Stages of Conversion Accepting the Mitzvot