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Where to Light

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Where to Light

Ĥanuka candles should be lit where passersby can see them, to publicize the miracle. For those who live in apartment buildings, the best place to light the candles is on a windowsill facing the street. Nevertheless, someone who lights the candles on a table inside the home also fulfills the obligation.

People who live in private homes with a door facing the street should preferably light the menora outside near their door, so passersby will see it. The menora should be placed to the left of the home’s entrance, so the mezuza is on the right and the menora on the left; this way, anyone entering the home is surrounded by mitzvot. To ensure the wind will not blow the candles out, they should be placed in a protective glass case. If the home’s entrance is not visible to onlookers, it is better to light the menora inside the home, on a windowsill visible to passersby.

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