Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Being a Good Neighbor

< 1 min read

We have a mitzva to be good neighbors. Someone who lives in an apartment building should not litter in the hallways, the communal areas, or the street. We should not leave items lying around which will get in the way of other residents or make the building look rundown.

If a neighborhood has times of the day generally accepted as rest times, we should be sure not to make any noise then. At any time of day, we should not be noisier than is generally accepted. We should not play music so loudly the neighbors will hear it, and not own a dog that barks all the time, disturbing the neighbors. We should also avoid doing anything that will cause smoke or a foul odor.

Included in being a good neighbor is making sure to pay maintenance fees and municipal taxes on time.