Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Speaking Kindly

< 1 min read

A person should be kind in speech, complimenting people to make them feel good and to encourage and support them. However, a compliment must be both accurate and honest, because only then will it reinforce their strengths. Insincere compliments are a type of lying and false flattery, and do more harm than good. There are times when a compliment is called for, like when a woman shows off a new dress to her friend. Then, even if the friend does not like the dress, she should find something nice to say about it to avoid hurting her friend. But even then, she should not be too effusive, so as not to encourage her friend to keep making bad choices in clothing.

If someone finds out a friend has been unfairly hurt, there is a mitzva to offer them moral support. One should also admonish those responsible, while being careful not to fan the flames of the conflict.