Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Including the Poor and Lonely in Our Celebrations

< 1 min read

A person planning a celebration, such as a wedding, should remember to first invite acquaintances who are widows, poor, or despondent. It is only by including friends and relatives who are struggling that one can experience true joy and find favor with God. In contrast, if one forgets to invite them, they will feel unwanted, as if their presence poisons the atmosphere, and this will make them feel even worse.

Similarly, at holiday time, we must think of relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances. Perhaps they are having a hard time celebrating, whether due to financial difficulties, loneliness or something else. We should make a point of including them in our holiday celebrations, as it says, “You shall rejoice in your festival, with your son and daughter, your male and female slave, the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow in your communities” (Deuteronomy 16:14).