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Working on Ĥol HaMo’ed to Prevent a Loss

< 1 min read

Melakha is also permitted on Ĥol Ha-mo’ed to avoid a loss or considerable damage. Even this permission is limited, though. If work could have been done before the festival, but someone pushed it off, it may not be done on the festival (as one has caused oneself the loss through negligence). Furthermore, avoiding a loss is limited to money or property one already owns.

Still, going to work on Ĥol Ha-mo’ed is not permitted. It is obvious that a person who does not work will not be paid. Nevertheless, this is not considered avoiding a loss but rather missing out on profit. Refraining from work on Ĥol Ha-mo’ed is necessary to free people up to enjoy the festival and study Torah, so missing out on profit does not justify working. Only if a person will be fired for taking off is one allowed to work on Ĥol Ha-mo’ed.