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The Role of the Jewish Nation

< 1 min read

Actualizing divine values in all facets of life requires an entire nation. The mission shared by all its participants is to reveal divine faith on every level. That is the ultimate purpose of the Jewish nation who left Egypt, received the Torah at Sinai, and entered the Promised Land.   

According to a pantheistic ideology which divides the world and its elements, only spiritual people can be suffused with faith. Whereas among the Jewish people, faith can be revealed by anyone – including spiritual people and practical people. Spiritual people may explain the divine message more profoundly, while practical people are more skilled at materializing it.   Other religions tend to limit or narrow their scope, and this may be attributed to their pagan outlook. In contrast, Judaism maintains that everything is important and all talents and types must unite to discover godliness in the world. The manifestation of the Divine Presence (Shekhina) is thus dependent upon the nation connecting to God in unity, as the Jews did when the Torah was given.

The role of the Jewish people is to be a “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6) and “a light unto the nations” (Isaiah 42:6). This means living a life grounded in truth and faith, goodness and blessing, which exemplifies how to reveal God’s word in the world. This will result in the continuity of God’s blessing on all nations. Many faiths learned the foundations of goodness, truth, and morality from Jewish history and heritage. Consequently, the defining values for those nations includes the recognition of human life, created in the image of God. This continues to be our destiny as a Jewish nation – to enact divine values, which will improve the world and bring about its redemption.