Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Providing Aid

< 1 min read

Helping someone in need is a mitzva. This includes helping a neighbor move heavy furniture, helping a mother having difficulty pushing a stroller up the stairs, offering a ride to a friend or helping someone whose car has broken down.

Even if the person in need is an enemy, the Torah stresses that the mitzva to provide aid still applies. Therefore, if one sees an enemy’s donkey staggering under its load, one must help unburden the donkey and repack the load (Exodus 23:5). With this, the Torah establishes a norm – even when two people are at odds, they need to set limits as to how far they take their feud. When someone needs help, provide it. If people follow this norm, the hatred will eventually dissolve, and love will again assume its rightful place.