Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Journalists and Lashon Ha-Ra

< 1 min read

The role of journalists and the media is important but complex. As long as they are careful about what they say and provide information the public needs to know, such as information about political candidates or information aimed at protecting consumers, they are doing a mitzva. Similarly, when they criticize the decisions and actions of public figures in a fair and precise way, presenting a balanced portrait of the positives and negatives, they are doing a mitzva. However, if the journalists are motivated by animosity or a desire to mock, they are sinning even when what they say benefits the public. And if they overstate the case or deviate from the truth, they are guilty of a serious sin, as this does not benefit the public. Rather, it hurts the public by providing only a partial picture, which will lead people to weigh things incorrectly and arrive at inappropriate decisions. Furthermore, if journalists publish negative information about a private individual, and there is no public benefit, they are transgressing the severe prohibition of lashon ha-ra. The graver the embarrassment, the graver the sin.