Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --


< 1 min read

It is forbidden to deceive (geneivat da’at). For example, we may not falsely flatter someone in order to receive something from them. We may not present ourselves to someone as a friend while actually disliking them. Similarly, we transgress this prohibition if we agree with someone’s complaints about their boss or colleague while we do not actually feel the complaints are justified. Instead of helping our friend to see the situation as it is, we are misrepresenting it to curry favor. A salesperson who compliments a piece of clothing a customer is trying on, while knowing full well it is not suitable, is guilty of geneivat da’at. Someone who invites a friend for a meal hoping he or she will decline or knowing they can’t come anyway is also guilty of geneivat da’at.