Fundamentals of Faith - Fundamentals of Faith -

Faith Revealed Through the Exodus and Mount Sinai

2 min read

It is not simple to maintain pure, idolatry-free monotheism, since it is difficult for people to believe in something entirely abstract. Therefore, our belief system does not rely solely on a deep philosophical approach to God, but rests primarily on God’s revelation to the Israelites. This was an astonishing phenomenon that occurred to the world and Israel. The infinite God, Who defies categorization, revealed Himself to his nation, declaring: “I the Lord am your God Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage” (Exodus 20:2). This revelation did not address God defining Himself, but focused on God’s leadership of his nation and the guidance found in the Torah. From then on, it became possible to connect to God without sinning through idolatry. Instead of concentrating on defining the essence of God which is beyond human comprehension, we focused on God’s revelation to humanity according to our level of understanding. The higher we ascend spiritually, the more of the revelation we can absorb. While this ascension may be gradual, it has no upper limit.

It is Israel’s destiny to reveal to the world faith in God and His leadership, which can be seen throughout Jewish history. The exodus from Egypt is the foundation of this faith since it heralded the birth of the Jewish nation. The vast miracles God performed clearly demonstrated God’s mastery as if it was a re-creation of the world, conducted in full view of humanity.

Since then, until today when the Jews believe in God and His Torah, they merit blessing; when they betray their mission, curses descend upon them. In both cases, the world can clearly see God is in control. This is why multiple biblical passages deal with the Jews’ sins and the resulting moral lessons.

It is the Jewish people’s destiny and objective to reveal God’s word to the world. God tasked them with this inescapable task. The only choice they face is whether to reveal God’s word by serving as a positive example or a negative one. Even when they make the wrong choice and suffer as a result, this suffering ultimately serves a positive purpose as it leads people to recognize their sins and repent. Then God’s word is revealed in a positive way which brings about repair and redemption.