Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Derekh Eretz

< 1 min read

Part of “Love your fellow as yourself” is the mandate to treat people in a way that honors the divine image within them. This includes all aspects of derekh eretz (good manners, civic virtue, and social responsibility). Therefore, we must behave pleasantly and in a dignified manner. For example, we must conform to accepted hygienic norms. After we use the facilities, we must wash our hands properly.

A person should not walk around smelling bad, whether the smell comes from body, breath, or clothing. We should not do anything which people find offensive or disgusting, such as picking our noses, spitting out food, or picking at scabs. Anyone who does such things when around people, has not only disregarded the mitzva of “Love your fellow as yourself,” but has also degraded themselves and transgressed the prohibition of “You shall not defile yourselves” (Leviticus 11:43). The observance of Derekh Eretz is determined by the norms of wherever we are. Even when we are at home alone, it is preferable to respect our own humanity, keeping ourselves clean and dressed respectably, and not doing anything repulsive.