Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Honoring the Wise, the Elderly, and Community Leaders

< 1 min read

There is a mitzva to honor the wise and the elderly, and to stand up when they enter or exit the room. As it says, “You shall rise before the aged and show deference to the wise” (Leviticus 19:32). Those who honor the elderly and the wise are privileged to learn from their wisdom and experience. A community that honors its elders and sages is blessed and enriched by them.

The Torah commands us to treat judges and community leaders with respect, as long as they are not wicked. Even a person who loses a court case or is harmed by a communal ordinance must take care not to mock or curse the judge or leader (Exodus 22:27), even in private. Since leaders represent the community, honoring them is honoring the community, and the community’s wellbeing depends on them.