Interpersonal Mitzvot - Interpersonal Mitzvot --

Not Belittling People

< 1 min read

Since people are created in the image of God, we must treat them with respect. No one may be belittled, even if they are not aware of it. As it says, “You shall not insult the deaf” (Leviticus 19:14). This means it is prohibited to demean anyone even if they cannot hear you and do not know they are being disparaged.

An employer must be careful to treat his or her employees respectfully. Don’t give them humiliating work or order them around in a demeaning way. Anyone who sees or hears a person disparaging someone else should be horrified and feel as if they themselves were hurt. The Sages state that one who raises his hand to strike another, even if they do not carry through, is considered wicked. Slapping another person’s face is like slapping the face of God. Even after a person has died, the respect due their body demands we bury them in a timely fashion. There is even a mitzva to bury enemy soldiers respectfully (Ezekiel 39:13).