Fundamentals of Faith - Fundamentals of Faith -

Natural Reward and Punishment in This World

< 1 min read

From a broader perspective we find that even within the natural order, those who choose good tend to benefit in this world too. Due to their goodness and loyalty, they succeed in establishing stable families and derive a lot of pleasure from them. Thanks to their diligence and honesty, they are trusted in business and achieve financial stability. Above all, they derive satisfaction and gratification from their virtuous deeds. When tragedy strikes, such people can find meaning in it, which further brings blessing to their lives.

 In contrast, those who choose to sin tend to find that in the long term, their lives are not satisfying. Because they are not faithful, their relationships often fail and their families fall apart. Because sometimes they are not honest, people prefer not to do business with them or hire them. Because they are arrogant, they do not have true friends. Above all, they do not have true fulfillment, because their lack of values and faith creates a void in their lives. Even the pleasures of this world disappoint them with their emptiness. When tragedy strikes, these people have nowhere to turn for comfort and they are filled with anger and despair.

All humanity confronts this dilemma. The evil inclination wants people to look at the world superficially in the short-term to pursue money, honor, and pleasures. The good inclination stirs people to examine the world more profoundly over the long-term and to live a life filled with values, creativity, and blessing. Overall, even in this world over time the righteous are more likely to succeed while the wicked are more likely to fail, but freedom to choose remains