Between Man and God - Between Man and God --

Women’s Prayer Obligations

< 1 min read

Women are obligated to recite the morning blessings, the Torah blessings, Shaĥarit, and Minĥa daily. Women’s obligation in Shaĥarit and Minĥa is limited to the heart of the service, the Amida prayer. Those who want to go above and beyond should recite the entire prayer service.

When necessary, women can be lenient and pray only one Amida during the day. This Amida may be from any of the three services, although Shaĥarit is best to begin the day with prayer. It is also preferable they recite the first paragraph of the Shema (section 16 below). A woman taking care of small children and finding it difficult to find time when she can recite the Amida with the required level of kavana (intention, focus, concentration) is allowed to skip it. Instead, she can fulfill the mitzva of prayer with the recitation of the morning blessings and the Torah blessings.