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Mourning Practices during the Omer Period

< 1 min read

Part of the omer period is somewhat sad, as 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva died in a plague during this time. The Sages say they died because they did not show proper respect to one another. Therefore, it is customary to follow some mourning practices during this time, to remind us how important it is to treat people well.

These mourning practices include not holding big celebrations (such as weddings and other parties), not listening to upbeat music, and not getting haircuts.

Israel Independence Day takes place during the part of the omer period when it is customary to mourn. Nevertheless, since there is a special mitzva on this day to praise God and rejoice, the mitzva overrides the mourning. (Despite this, the widespread custom is to avoid getting married then.)

The mourning practices are commonly followed only until Lag Ba-omer (the thirty-third day of the omer). We will now explain what makes Lag Ba-omer so special.