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Women’s Acceptance of Shabbat with Candle Lighting

< 1 min read

There are no words to describe the incredible importance of and the depth of ideas informing Shabbat. When there are no words, actions express that which words cannot. Lighting the candles expresses the essence of Shabbat. Their light represents the light of faith that brings peace and perfection to the world (section 7 above). Therefore, when a woman lights her Shabbat candles, it is one of the most enchanted moments of the week. This is the time to take leave of the weekdays and enter the holy Shabbat, enjoying its spirituality and radiant light. The Sages tell us that on Shabbat, we are gifted with an expanded soul (neshama yeteira).

If a woman has not managed to finish all her preparations by the lighting time on the Jewish calendar, she may delay a bit, as long as she makes sure to light before sunset. However, once it is past sunset, she should not light the candles, as Shabbat has already begun, and lighting candles on Shabbat is forbidden. If a family member realizes the woman of the house will not be able to light candles in time, that family member should light the candles instead.

A woman who lit candles and accepted Shabbat may still ask her husband or someone else who has not yet accepted Shabbat to do melakha for her, as long as it will be completed before sunset.