-The Jewish Vision - The Jewish Vision -

The Unity of All

< 1 min read

The most common and serious mistake made when understanding life and faith is adopting the pagan worldview, which deeply disconnects heaven and earth. Heaven is the ‘ideal’ – absolute truth and lofty morality, while earth is the ‘real’ – daily necessities and physical pleasures, with all their problems and limitations. This forces people to choose between heaven and earth, splitting the spiritual and mundane.

By contrast, the Jewish view is unified: heaven and earth are connected, enhancing each other in a symbiotic relationship. This is because God is One. He is the Creator of heaven and earth and everything within them, and He gives life to all things. Therefore, the divine message must manifest itself everywhere, from the heights of heaven to the depths of the earth. It is intended to elevate all areas of life: the intellectual and the emotional, the spiritual and the mundane; agriculture, industry, and business; the sciences and the arts, including literature, poetry, music, and painting. This unity also informs relationships – husband and wife, parents and children, siblings, and other relatives – as well as communal and national life.