-The Jewish Vision - The Jewish Vision -

Torah Study

< 1 min read

To enable the Jewish people to actualize the grand vision of perfecting the world, God gave His nation the Torah. The Torah instructs them how to live life properly – specifying what is permitted and what is forbidden, what is obligatory, what is preferable, and what is optional – in order to reveal the unique value of every entity in the world. This is why each Jew should study the Torah to understand what it has to say on issues of faith, morality, and halakha.

Ordinarily, we can understand the Torah’s message by studying it in depth. At times, often when we face crises, questions arise which require us to study Torah in even greater depth to arrive at answers. Whether the crises are personal, familial, societal, national, or international, they force us to delve deeper into the Torah and discover its light. As a result, life continues to be blessed, until we merit a complete redemption, when we will no longer need to grapple with evil in the world. Even then we will still be presented with an amazing challenge – to continue discovering deeper layers of meaning and infinite gratification found in Torah.