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Comparing Mishlo’aĥ Manot and Matanot La-evyonim

< 1 min read

As mentioned above, mishlo’aĥ manot and matanot la-evyonim must be given on Purim day. One who gives them at night does not fulfill the obligation. One who fails to locate anyone poor on Purim day should set aside the money until two appropriate recipients are found. Mishlo’aĥ manot must be given specifically on Purim, when there is a special mitzva to increase good feeling among friends.

Those who are worried they might not locate poor people on Purim, may deposit money with the administrator of a charity fund before Purim, with instructions to hand it out on Purim on their behalf. Similarly, those unable to distribute mishlo’aĥ manot on Purim day can appoint an agent to distribute on their behalf. If they did not do this in advance, they should call a friend on Purim and ask that person to give mishlo’aĥ manot to someone on their behalf.

Since the purpose of mishlo’aĥ manot is to increase good feeling among people, they may not be given anonymously. In contrast, the mitzva of matanot la-evyonim is similar to charity, whose goal is to help the poor in the best possible way. Therefore, it is preferable to give matanot la-evyonim anonymously or through a charity administrator, to avoid embarrassing the recipients.