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The Holiday’s Names and Its Mitzvot

< 1 min read

There are three names for the holiday which begins on the 15th of Tishrei:

  1. Sukkot, because the primary mitzva associated with it is living in the sukka.
  2. The Holiday of Ingathering (Ĥag He-asif), because it takes place during the time of year when the harvested grain and fruit has all been gathered in.
  3. The Holiday (He-ĥag), because it is the quintessential joyous festival.

There are three main mitzvot on Sukkot:

  1. The mitzva to refrain from activity connected with working (29:12 above) on the Yom Tov days at the beginning and end of the holiday, and the mitzva to refrain from some melakha (29:19 above) on the Ĥol Ha-mo’ed days in the middle.
  2. The mitzva of the Sukka.
  3. The mitzva of the four species.