Fundamentals of Faith - Fundamentals of Faith -

The Land and the People

The Land and God’s Promises

Expressing Monotheism in the Land

The Uniqueness of the Land of Israel: Uniting Heaven and Earth

Torah in the Land

The Primary Location for Mitzva Observance

Mitzvot Dependent Upon the Land


The Sabbatical and the Jubilee

When These Mitzvot Apply

How Many Jews Are There?

The Mitzva of Settling the Land

Fighting for the Land

Returning to the Land

The Modern Version of the Sin of the Spies

The Mitzva of Living in the Land

Loving the Land

The Israeli Army

War and Fear

Drafting Yeshiva Students

Maintaining Holiness in the Army

Women Serving

The Ethics of War

The Boundaries of the Land

Non-Jews in the Land

Monarchy and Democracy

Governmental Authority

Separation of Powers

The Future Messiah